MySpace in five minutes.

- Author: Cpt. Douchebag
- Subject: I broke my leg, guys, I can't make it tonight...
- Body: sinc u opend this lttr u hav 2 repost in 30 secundz or u wont gt layd for 10 yers!!111!
WHAT ELSE IS NEW? The majority of people who send this letter out should already know that they won't get laid for ten years, or at all for that matter. I suppose reposting this bulletin makes them think the boy/girl of their dreams will completely forget that they're an ugly douchebag, and do them in a moment of weakness under the moonlight in the backyard while the neighbors watch. News Flash: this isn't "Sixteen Candles", and reposting a useless bulletin won't change that: Especially if u spl lyke a retrd and have a glittery page that hurts to look at.
Yet another thing. I hate websites that are directing themselves at the stereotypical teenager, by using words such as "Pimp", "Palace", "Princess", and most of all sites like Do they think that's "cool"?
AIM IM with Jeff Hopkins
David: dude lol chek this site out its called myspace-pimp-princess-palace
Jeff: lol awesome d00d lol im ttly goin 2 add glttr and crsors and sh*t 2 maii piag kthxbai.
David: lol i kno i cant b leve they have PIMP in t3h sight naim!! thats so PIPM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeff: inorite?!
Disagree with me? Screw off. I'm right, you're wrong. But just in case you have a hard time reading normal text...

I also hate the 'new picturess
Body: comment them
and ill return the favor!'
If people wanna comment your pictures, they will.
If only Zayne saw the irony... =\
Axa...when do you get unban't?
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