Domino's Marketing Strategy

"Because safety is a priority "You Got 30 Minutes™" is not a guarantee but an estimate."
Safety my eye. If you go down to Mexico or India, the 30-Minutes or Less Guarantee is just that, a Guarantee. We live in the United States of America, Home of the brave. Why can Mexicans be big bad and brave; and speed down the roads at life threatening speeds, while the USA sits around like a bunch of pussies, doing crap like "Obeying The Law" and "Considering Others". If you die, it's your fault, for getting in the way of me and my pizza. You deserved it for inconveniencing my life, and you're lucky I let you live this long.
ROFL yea, this made me spew diet soda everywhere. XD Home of the braves my foot >_>
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